Knowing about Khmer custom and standard of living

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fantastic dessert pineapple with ice and Jasmines

Besides eat fresh pineapple with pepper salt or use it in soup or made jams or made pineapple shake to be favorite foods and drinks for Cambodia citizens in other to boost more power and add more vitamin into body so can we make dessert from pineapple ? Yes, we can. Cambodia people mostly did it.

Don’t be too late ! Today I will tell you about how to make fantastic pineapple dessert with ice and Jasmines which is a very popular dessert in Cambodia for you as a lesson.

Ingredients :

For 4 people we need a pineapple, some Jasmines, a cup of sugar, a bit salt, and a dish of shake ice. This dessert not take too much time to cook (not over 3o minutes) .

How to made this gorgeous dessert :

First of all, you must cut pineapple in medium size and boil sugar water until it boiling. Then put pineapple into sugar water boil it maybe 15 minutes. After that put a bit salt and turn off your stove fire. Keep it until it become more cold not too hot. Finally, you take it into your dishes put some shake ice and some jasmines is ready and you’ll enjoy with your eating.
Not too hard right ? Want to be healthy, more cute, and feeling fresh please eat this dessert it can reduce your stress.


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