Knowing about Khmer custom and standard of living

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Palm tree

   The Palm tree is a kind of popular tree and it presence has been representing for kingdom of Cambodia. Palm tree provide so many advantages for Cambodian population since the first birth of Khmer Kingdom generation and it is also a national representation to notice for Cambodia landscape from old generation until nowadays as a slogan said “ Palm trees are shelters for Khmer ”.

   Among of many kind of plants Palm trees has become the most popular and very very important plant also is the only one great plant to make a representation of whole Cambodia. The reason that Khmer citizens choose this Palm trees for our representation because of Palm trees are so necessary and provide a lot of advantages that we can’t count all for you.

   On the other hand, Palm trees also known as the most strongest and longest life than other plants. “ Tnort ” is for Cambodia name, “ Borassusflabellifer ” is for science name and “ Palm tree ” is for English name. Palm tree is a kind of tall, single, big base, and grow straight up from the ground (height 10 to 25 m). It has yellow mix green smooth and thick leafs when it is young and yellow mix brown when it is old and has thorns on the both side of leafs like the saw. It has Female and male Palm trees. Female and male Palm trees note by it flowers.

   In Khmer society Palm trees provide so many advantages such as male Palm trees are traditional medicine for treatment malaria, numbness, ect . It also can be furnitures , humans and animals shelters, foods, and be very value handicraft products such as roofs, hats, mattresses, ect.

   For Palm water and fruits are so fantastic, popular, and the best favorite foods and drinks for Cambodian citizens. Producing Sugar Palm by cooking Palm water to become sugar is a perfect Cambodian tradition since old generation until now and will continue to the future forever never end.


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