Knowing about Khmer custom and standard of living

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Rumduol flower represents the identity of the Khmer nation

   Cambodia take Rumduol flower to be nation identity by obey the royal decree on March, 21, 2005. The reasons that Cambodia decides choose Rumduol flower to be nation identity because Rumduol flower is a great flower which has very attractive sweet smell for human noses and also provides many advantages to Khmer social too.

   Old generation Khmer citizens used Rumduol flower as their popular and tradition medicine by produced Rumduol flower to become lipsticks for ladies because of it sweet smell different from other flowers. In the same way, Rumduol flowers have effective in treating many diseases such as Rumduol barks can be use for fever, it flowers are use for dizziness, and it also is a medicine to boosting heart and blood power. Rumduol pollens can use for boost blood and power medical and reduce dizziness.

   On the other hand, Rumduol trees can use for secondary construction and firewoods. Moreover, at the season of Rumduol fruits ripening the citizens who are live nearby always take it to sell at the markets in other to solve their living standard.

   “ Rumduol ” is for Cambodian name and “ Mitrellamesnyi ” is for science name. Rumduol birth place is in Southeast Asia. It’s a kind of plant which height from 8 to 12 m from the ground. It has brown-yellow tree and obtuse leaves and shape from 2 to 4x6 to 10 cm. It has yellow-white flowers and very sweet smell. Rumduol flowers have gorgeous smell at the evening and at night. Rumduol have cluster fruits and when it ripe have brown-red we also can eat it. Biology rank of Rumduol is on Magnoliales order, Annonaceae species, Mitrella group, and kind of M.mesnyi. Rumduol are grow naturally almost in everywhere of Cambodia start from December to March. Rumduol always plants by Khmer people to ornate their houses or gardens.

   Khmer old generation people always compare Rumduol flower with ladies because it is attractive, beautiful, and has sweet smell than perfume smell so far. Many Khmer dramas and songs are also sing about it too.

   Nowadays, Rumduol flowers can find in many gardens in Cambodia land. Rumduol also represents for Cambodia agriculture too. So all Cambodia citizens especially Khmer teenagers must remember and make own selves and country fantastic, pretty, and have sweet smell like Rumduol flower of Cambodia all together.


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