Knowing about Khmer custom and standard of living

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fantastic dessert pineapple with ice and Jasmines

Besides eat fresh pineapple with pepper salt or use it in soup or made jams or made pineapple shake to be favorite foods and drinks for Cambodia citizens in other to boost more power and add more vitamin into body so can we make dessert from pineapple ? Yes, we can. Cambodia people mostly did it.

Don’t be too late ! Today I will tell you about how to make fantastic pineapple dessert with ice and Jasmines which is a very popular dessert in Cambodia for you as a lesson.

Ingredients :

For 4 people we need a pineapple, some Jasmines, a cup of sugar, a bit salt, and a dish of shake ice. This dessert not take too much time to cook (not over 3o minutes) .

How to made this gorgeous dessert :

First of all, you must cut pineapple in medium size and boil sugar water until it boiling. Then put pineapple into sugar water boil it maybe 15 minutes. After that put a bit salt and turn off your stove fire. Keep it until it become more cold not too hot. Finally, you take it into your dishes put some shake ice and some jasmines is ready and you’ll enjoy with your eating.
Not too hard right ? Want to be healthy, more cute, and feeling fresh please eat this dessert it can reduce your stress.
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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Leak Kan Saeng popular game for Khmer citizens on New Year Day

Khmer New Year Day is coming soon on the middle of April in this year so most Cambodia citizens prepare themselves to welcome new angel in new year. Leak Kan Saeng (hide scarf game) is a very popular and famous traditional game for Khmer citizens all around the country. So this is a reason that I take this game to tell you.

Of course, Leak Kan Saeng is a perfect and popular game in Cambodia. People always play it on special Khmer New Year day and after working hard on holiday. This game has become a very important and special game in Cambodia since old generation until nowadays. Do you wonder why Cambodia citizens love it and keep it as a traditional game ? The reason is because it really offer so much fun for players.

How to play Leak Kan Saeng game :

First of all, We must find 6 to 7 players or up (Be remember more players more fun too). Players must sit down in a circle line put both of your hands on your knees in a pretty big playground or any places that are possible.
Secondly, players must find one small scarf and roll it tightly and keep a bit hem in other to easy to hold it while you are playing. This game is assuming that have one player (I call 1st player) stand up and walking quickly surrounded the circle hold the rolling scarf and then put it behind the back of a player (I call 2nd player) who is sitting in a circle line that you like ** remember that do it very quickly and don’t let 2nd player know that you put scarf behind him/her. This game isn’t let any players look at their back if possible they might close their eyes for fair. 1st player who hold the scarf run surrounded the circle where another players sitting 2-3 times look at the player who sit without looking or interest at the scarf holder or 1st player this is the golden chance for 1st player to put the scarf behind him/her back and then run as fast as you can to sit in a place in the circle that you put the scarf (2nd player sit place) because if 2nd player know that 1st player put the scarf behind him/her back 2nd player will run follow 1st player and hit 1st player as much as he/she can do (when 2nd player run after 1st player, 2nd player sit place will empty so 1st player must run to sit at there). If 1st player did it he/she is win and the scarf holder or 2nd player who run after 1st player will walk and find new player as a 3rd player and do like the way of 1st player just do. If any player don’t know or notice about the scarf behind their back is a loser and will hit by scarf from other player who take the scarf fastest. And then keep on their playing until the night has come. Sometimes, some players never come to play because they always don’t know or notice about the scarf at their back and always hit by other players.

Sound like fun right ? If you want to play please do it on Khmer New Year Day or on your holiday. For foreigners you should come Cambodia if you want to play or know much more about this game. Cambodia always welcome you with very bright smile every time, every place. This game can make you run more faster and have high careful feeling and more stronger too.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Teuk Chhou fantastic waterfall for tourists who arrive in Cambodia

Before take your feeling fly to visit suspension bridge of Teuk Chhou, I just want to tell you that Teuk Chhou is a natural resort which located in north of Kampot town distance 8 Km from Kampot city. Teuk Chhou is in Snom Pram Pi village, Mak Praang commune, Kampot town, Kampot province.

This wonderful resort has waterfall from Domrey mountain,Kom Chay mountain but since hydropower was built, nowadays water flow irregular sometimes flow and sometimes not.

Talk about name of a gorgeous waterfall resort Teuk Chhou everybody know really clear of this place because this resort offer so many pretty memories to tourists who visit there cannot forget and want to visit there again and again and again on their holiday.
Teuk Chhou is very beautiful include with many natural trees, fresh water, slap of stone, forest, etc which create very fantastic nature view for tourists who arrive there and the most special thing is go sightseeing the view of whole resort on suspension bridge really make you feel so relax.

On the holiday and nation festivals, Teuk Chhou has many many people go to visit there and take a bath under waterfall and nowadays it change new face in other to attract more and more tourists visit there and know more clear about this fantastic nature waterfall with wonderful suspension bridge also make local and foreigner tourists feel so great and more happy. When tourists walk on suspension bridge they’ll feel so excited and glad. While you walking on the suspension bridge don’t forget to look down you’ll see beautiful waterfall and many people who enjoy in their swimming.

If you miss your trip of walking on suspension bridge you’ll feel regret because it can make your eyes relax with natural view around there so you must take a walk on suspension bridge when you visit Teuk Chhou in Kampot province of Cambodia. Kampot isprovince which has many tourists places like history , culture, and natural resorts include with created resorts, beach on top of the mountain, caves, waterfall, etc that tourists can visit there by many of their favorite transportation very easily with smooth road.
Kampot also is a place that attracting tourists to visit another resorts, resturants, and have many service for making serve to tourists all around Kampot province such as 7 hotels equal 762 rooms, 61 guest houses equal 742 rooms, with 46 resturants so it make tourists feel very warmly.

After swimming and take a walk in the most famous Teuk Chhou natural waterfall resort of Kampot province, tourists also can go on trip on some places such as Than Sour Bokor Nation Park, Preak Tnort Nataya, Kampong Trach mountain, and other resorts in Kampot that I cannot count for you all.

Teuk Chhou is really charming for tourists who visit there and cannot forget the tall and great suspension bridge and fresh waterfall. Teuk Chhou attract 101764 local tourists and 3359 foreigner tourists go to visit there in 2013 and in 2014 have 86167 local tourists and 9445 foreigner tourists visit this fantastic Teuk Chhou in Kampot province of Kingdom of Cambodia.
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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Visiting Kampong Chhnang province of Cambodia

Kampong Chhnang is a province in Cambodia that located in southwest of Tonle Sap lake and northwest of Phnom Penh capital city distance 91 Km from Phnom Penh city by travelling on road number 5. Kampong Chhnang is a province which famous in producing pottery products and so many things that almost made from soil and by hands with classic tools of Cambodian citizens. Those things have high quality and beautiful. Kampong Chhnang also has a famous history mountain is call “Neang Kong Rey mountain”.

Neang Kong Rey mountain has very gorgeous beauty that really similar to a woman sleep on the ground and shake her hand forward to calling her husband who riding on the horse back to her but he go away and Neang Kong Rey die at that time (It’s a story of this mountain). Kampong Chhnang province has north boundary nearby Kampong Thom province, eastern part near Kampong Cham province, southern boundary near Kampong Speu province, and western part near Pursat province. Kampong Chhnang province size 5.521 Km² with 81.763 citizens has 8 districts include 69 communes.

Kampong Chhnang province also has many tourist places that attract a lot of tourists visiting this fantastic pottery products province.

Neang Kong Rey mountain :

Neang Kong Rey mountain is a highest mountain of Kampong Chhnang that located in Pong Ror commune, Ror Lea Phaear district in Kampong Chhnang province. On the mountain has many plants grow on like another mountain too but it really straight that on the waist of mountain grow only Maom (a kind of herb plant).
Citizens who live nearby there they don’t eat those Maom because they heard from their old generation parents told that those Maom grow from Neang Kong Rey hair who is a wife of Rithe Sen. At the place that Maom grow has a big millstone since old generation also.

Pottery made from clay producing place :

If we travelling from Phnom Penh city before we arrive Kampong Chhnang province we’ll see many shops that sell many things which made by soil such as pots, and other pottery products along the street.
Those things are produce since old generation until nowadays so that why Cambodian citizens decide to call this province Kampong Chhnang mean pottery province.

Kampong Chhnang province has many villages of Sre Thmey commune, and Chrey Bak commune in Ror Lea Phaear district that producing pottery products. Those citizens get the technique to made those things from their old generation parents and teach it to children from one generation to one generation until now and never end so that why those pottery things are so fantastic and has high quality.
Those pottery producing places has become the most popular places for foreigners tourists go to visit and buy it to be presents and take it to keep in their house as the memory of Kampong Chhnang. They also can help those citizens to have better standard of living by selling these products too. Tourists also can visit another places like Kampong Chhnang air port, Derichhan village, Bades stupa, and Traleng Keng pagoda, etc.
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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Wonderful Samreth Lake Resort

Between the road from Phnom Penh capital city to Siem Reap province Samreth lake has become the resort to refresh mind in short time on holiday afternoon of many tourists.

This place has many things to visit in very short time and it cannot offer so many experiences to visitors. This resort extend on land 46 hectares huge that located in west of Kompong Thmor, Kompong Thom province not so far from history tourist place Sambo Prey Kurk.

Samreth Lake is the achievement of some clean mind that full of experiences. Whole yard is very clean with gorgeous garden. Many Classic wooden houses was build around the pool but for the organize inside those rooms are very modern in western countries designing. Inside this resort has the building that build follow Presh Vihea, Angkor Wat, and nation museum style for tourists visit and take photos.

Samreth resort give many chance to many tourists that don’t have enough ability or free time go to visit the real fantastic temple or nation museum they also can go to visit Samreth Lake resort and enjoy it in short time. Many Cambodian citizens are not really rich and don’t have much money to make long way tour but they also can entertain themselves with this process classic temple in new generation because it has similar style with real temples in Siem Reap province too.
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Monday, February 24, 2014

Time to visit Yeak Loam Lake (Beung Yeak Loam) in Cambodia

   Yeak Loam lake (Beung Yeak Loam) located maybe 5Km in southeast Banlung city of Ratanakiri province. This wonderful lake has beautiful form because of volcano after the volcanic eruption in 4000 years ago. This lake has 800 m for it depth and show clean water maybe 50 m.

   On the side of Yeak Loam lake has 2 shores that build by woods for tourists seeing the view of the lake more closer and feel more relax. Road around the lake offer good feeling and take slow tour walking. On the west of lake has local handicraft product shops to selling many things like music instruments, baskets, scarfs, bags that made from fabric which weave by hands. Many rare wild boars and birds include eagles tourists can see it around the lake also rare big and strange butterfly with shine wing as the view.

   “Yeak Loam” is in Khmer language depend on history and stories that always told by citizens in that area and old generation people who like telling stories. So now let read about Yeak Loam story with me !

   Once upon a time, has a powerful giant who has a very beautiful daughter that no one can compare with. Her hair and whole body has very sweet smell than perfume so far so that why mr giant give name to her that “Neang sork Kror Ob” mean “sweet smell hair girl”. When she grow up has a boy love her. Their love grow so fast from day to day but they worried about giant know that so both of them decide to run away into the deep forest together. Not so long time, giant known that his only one daughter lose and run away with a boy, he feel so surprise and so worried. At first, he pity his daughter and then he call all of his armies go to find his beloved daughter. Whole empire of giant and forest are find by giant armies but they cannot found anything about her even they enter the thick and deep forest (that thick forest is Yak Lom lake nowadays) they still cannot found her. Giant king suspect that his sweet daughter is in the forest so he told his armies to take a look carefully around forest and take all tree away and dig the ground around that deeply in order to find his daughter. The armies try their best to did it finally they feel so tired and cannot continue so giant told them sadly to stop and go back.

   Because of armies dig the ground and take tree away that why that place become the big lake in Rattakiri province until nowadays and has name “Beung Yeak Loam” mean “Surround Giant Lake”. Beside this story it also has a story that talk about an army who love king daughter and take her away from her boyfriend and the royal palace and then that news came in to king and armies ear so they go find this couple. The sweet couple was hide in a mountain and the armies were surround that mountain so the couple has no way to escape they pray to the angle to make this mountain disappear into the ground. Their wish come true. So the mountain become the big and deep lake like nowadays that named Yeak Loam.

   Other story claim that the word “Yeak= giant” mean the owner or the leader and word “Loam= surround” mean the name of the leader in the story (example: giant or king name). So Cambodian citizens decide to named the lake “Beung Yeak Loam” mean “Surround Giant Lake” until now in order to respect the leader in that generation for getting happiness in the area forever.
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