Knowing about Khmer custom and standard of living

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Rabbit Island (Koh Tunsay) attract tourists heart

Koh Tunsay (Rabbit Island) is an island among another 13 islands in Kep province of Cambodia Kingdom of wonder that located in southeast of Kep province 4.5 Km from Kep city.

Koh Tunsay is a very great natural resort of the province that full of natural things because it has two wonderful natural beach that is a fantastic place for swimming. The sea has long slope and shallow, under the sea has corals, sea animals, sea plants that really favorable to Integrated Environmental Systems Research. Koh Tunsay has many big and beautiful trees which provide gorgeous shade with songs from the birds. Those birds always fly nearby sea shore when sunset every day in other to caught any fishes for their food.

Moreover, also has food services restaurants, guest houses in bungalow style rent for tourists in very suitable cost. For travelling time, we spend maybe 35 minutes ( calm waves) or 45 minutes to 1 hour ( big waves) that nowadays we observed that the increasing of local tourists is increase very considerably so different from the past that has only foreigner tourists whose interested and come to visit a fantastic Koh Tunsay.

Tourists who travel to visit this island are enjoy with swimming, breathe with the fresh air, walk along the beach, seeing stars, and dancing under the moon light. For special thing, tourists also can stay in small houses of the villagers who live on Koh Tunsay (Rabbit Island) or you can stay in your own tents or also tie your hammocks under the trees.

Attendent of tourists can give the chances to many citizens to open their own business. And now they start to open any restaurants and guest houses to serve for tourists who are looking for good places to stay on the island. For staying price in bungalows which built by woods or bamboos are $5 up. For taking boats from Kep tourist dock to Koh Tunsay (Rabbit Island) are $20 all the way back for one boat.


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